
Building Digital Access for all

The Role of Digital Assistive Technology Today and Tomorrow

April 2-3 2025

The event will explore the lessons learned from the last 25 years of access to Digital Technology and explores the implications of those lessons in a fast-changing technological and social landscape.

This event offers a unique opportunity to learn from industry leaders, share insights, and expand your professional network.

The event will be held in English with a live translation into French/English and English/French The conference will take place at FIAP a fully accessible venue in the heart of Paris on April 2-3 2025

Tickets Now Available

You will not want to miss this major event for 2025

 Order your tickets and pay online at 


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Sponsorship packages are available from only 500 Euros 

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DATForum Sponsorship Packages Flyer


Wednesday 2nd April

1-2pm Registration and Networking
2-2.30pm Opening remarks and aims of the event

2.30-3.30pm How did we get here ?
A review of the state of the art and achievements including the history of the development of digital assistive technology for people with disabilities

3.30-4pm Coffee break
4.00-5.00pm Current innovations in digital assistive technology
A review of the latest innovations and digital solutions for people with disabilities
5.00 – 6.00pm Round table
The economic impact of digital assistive technology. A discussion on the economic impact of digital assistive technology on disabled people and society
6.00pm DAT Award

7.30pm Networking Dinner 

Thursday 3rd April
8.30am Opening and networking
9-10.30am Accessible and Assistive – the future of access
Collaborations between the major technology providers and Digital Assistive Technology industry. How can we work, collaborate and cooperate to improve the solutions available?
10.30-11am Coffee break
11-12.30pm Making effective provision of digital assistive technologies
Public policies and funding for digital technical aids Discussion on current public policies and future needs to support technical aids-

12.30-2pm Lunch

2-3.30pm Understanding Impact – Testimonies and experience
The voices of people with disabilities who use digital assistive technologies including a review of related research

3.30-4pm Coffee break

4-5.00pm Vision for the future and next steps
Discussion on actions to improve and promote the use of digital assistive technology
throughout Europe

5-5.30pm Road map from now to the future

5.30- 545pm Closing remarks


How to go to FIAP ?
30 rue Cabanies – 75014 Paris
From Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport
55min by RER B up to “Denfert Rochereau” then 10 min walk
Taxi/Uber (depend on traffic)
From Paris Orly airport
50min by Metro 14 connection at “Bercy” and Metro 6 up
“saint jacques” and 10 min walk
36 min Orlyval + RER B + 12 min walk
Orly BUS 38 min + 9 min walk
Taxi/uber (depend on traffic)
From any Train station in Paris up to metro or RER Station
Denfert Rochereau
Metro 6 “glacière” or “saint jacques”

Download the DATForum Information sheets below 

English Datasheet
French Datasheet