
Building Digital Access for all
The Role of Digital Assistive Technology Today and Tomorrow
The event will explore the lessons learned from the last 25 years of access to Digital Technology and explores the implications of those lessons in a fast-changing technological and social landscape.
This event offers a unique opportunity to learn from industry leaders, share insights, and expand your professional network.
The event will be held in English with a live translation into French/English and English/French The conference will take place at FIAP a fully accessible venue in the heart of Paris on April 2-3 2025
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You will not want to miss this major event for 2025

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Confirmed Speakers as of 04/02/2025
- Inmaculada Placencia-Porrero – European Commission
- Nicolas Mazards – Acapella
- Bryan Boyle – University College Cork
- Celine Poulet – Secretary General of the of the Prime Minister’s Office – Inter-ministerial Committee on Disability
- Nils Normel – Tobii Dynavox
- Bob Sagoo – Pretorian Technologies
- Luc De Witte – HHS and GAATO
- Dave Gilbert – Pretorian Technologies
- Nicolas Biard – CNSA
- David Banes – DATEurope
- Evert Jan Hoogerwerf – AAATE and GAATO
- Nicola Gencarelli – Fondazione ASPHI
- Mary Lavender
1-2pm Registration and Networking
2-2.30pm Opening remarks and aims of the event
2.30-3.30pm How did we get here ?
A review of the state of the art and achievements including the history of the development of digital assistive technology for people with disabilities
A review of the latest innovations and digital solutions for people with disabilities
7.30pm Networking Dinner
8.30am Opening and networking
Collaborations between the major technology providers and Digital Assistive Technology industry. How can we work, collaborate and cooperate to improve the solutions available?
Public policies and funding for digital technical aids Discussion on current public policies and future needs to support technical aids-
12.30-2pm Lunch
2-3.30pm Understanding Impact – Testimonies and experience
The voices of people with disabilities who use digital assistive technologies including a review of related research
3.30-4pm Coffee break
4-5.00pm Vision for the future and next steps
Discussion on actions to improve and promote the use of digital assistive technology
throughout Europe
5-5.30pm Road map from now to the future
5.30- 545pm Closing remarks